Letter to Republican Senators on the vote for a January 6 Commission

Molly Rogers
2 min readMay 20, 2021

Dear Senator,

When you took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, you took on an obligation to show respect for all Americans by listening to our concerns and representing us fairly in front of our neighbors.

We the People is a concept that has possessed the minds of man for many centuries. Cultures all through time and history have tried to find a sustainable balance between the needs of our societies and the individual needs of the families who create those societies from the stories of their lives. Stephen Hawking said that “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” We are not proving ourselves to be an intelligent country. How are we adapting to change by clinging fearfully to a past that failed us in our greatest expectations?

The word honor could not exist if it were not for honesty. When you behave in ways that show you to be lacking in integrity, you choose dishonor for yourself. As a representative of the American people, when you choose dishonor, you choose dishonor for us all. That is not acceptable. We are not that weak or stupid. We are the country that pulls its bootstraps up when the going gets tough and we face the hard truths so that we can clean up the mess and move on to the parts where we build things better.

You are no longer advancing the American dream. Indeed, your inability to hear the American people as we scream as loud as we are able that you are hurting us and this has to stop, is trying to crush the soul of our nation. Your behavior is weakening us and shaming us in front of the whole world. This is not the America of the Constitution. This is Germany of the Third Reich. This is not Democracy. This is not acceptable.

We the People demand our accountability. We have rights. The ninth Amendment to the US Constitution states: The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

This means something. And it’s important that you listen clearly to that definition. If the Senators who represent us as States fail to accurately govern according to the will of the majority of Americans, what powers will We the People choose to claim back as our own?

You have a duty to tell the true story of our history as a Nation. You cannot lie to evade personal responsibility. A No vote on a January 6 Commission is an admission of guilt and I damn sure intend to see that a vast majority of Americans share my sentiment.

Do your duty.

Humbly and respectfully yours,

Molly Rogers



Molly Rogers

Navy Vet. Democrat. Single mother. Not a reasonable substitute for google. Questions everything extensively #FreshVoicesRise